영어 단어&예문:Perspiration, centrifuge, pitch, dictate, discreet, simile, frighten, earmark
2023. 11. 7. 22:30ㆍ배움터: 입시와 공부법

From perspiration.
Mix it in the centrifuge.
원심 분리기
It means he pitched a perfect game, George.
Great scientists are Jewish, so logic dictates it's time to switch teams.
지시하다, 명령하다.
Would you please be a little more discreet?
분별있는, 신중
)조심좀 더 해줄 수 있나요?)
A simile directly compares two things.
직유, 비유
Your affection for inanimate objects frightens me.
놀라게 하다, 겁나게 하다
It has all the earmarks of a divorce.
The new money will be earmarked for cancer research.
특정 목적을 위한 지정,전형적인 징후나 특징.
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